On from February 3 – March 2, 2019 in the Co-op Cafe Gallery
“Nothing photographs better than a goat – they have sass, all the qualities of a top model.”
Nadya Rezansoff 2019
Featuring glamourous goat portraiture by Nadya Rezansoff with photos from Rik Oschenbein, Xuan Betz, Chandra James and Kristina Purcell.
“Goats were the reason I came to Cortes,”says Nadya. “Magical walks through the woods with the goats were a major draw, along with the therapeutic benefits of tiny-hoof massage delivered by the adorable kids.”
When asked “what’s your favourite goat milk product?”, Nadya instantly responds, “almond-cherry goat milk ice cream, specially made with an antique goat milk cream separator”.
Through this lovingly curated collection, Nadya shares her appreciation for goat poise, charm and humour, and hopes to spark the same appreciation in her audience.